
Value of a Tidbit

So I was just watching Suits, on my shiny new Nexus 7 Tablet (I haven’t used the word Shiny in front of the Nexus when I described it to you, you haven’t heard the news from me), when this one scene in particular struck me as Wow.

Donna, the secretary of the lead lawyer, has just been rehired, when she meets another opposing lawyer, Lois, and suddenly asks which suit he is wearing. We get his answer.

She immediately walked to her Boss (remember that guy was ‘opposing’), and tells her that, get this, 4 years ago, Norma (secretary of Lois), had told her that the day Lois becomes a Senior Partner, had a special suit made for it. And today, he was wearing it. And because he was wearing the suit, he was now made Senior Partner. And since her Boss is one of two people who can declare a Senior Partner, the Boss’ opponent is making backstabbing moves.

I thought wow, 4 years ago, that little tidbit. And this connection was made the day she was rehired after a traumatic exit 6 weeks back.

Sometimes we have all sorts of amazingly useless information that we get in our daily lives. But the brain does some seriously awesome stuff connecting the dots sometimes.

So when someone says something utterly retarded, but is a fact, keep it I deplore of you. Cherish that nugget of irrelevance, till that day when it has the chance to come up.

And now back to the show.




I was initially going to avoid writing about the drudgeries of office and work (though its been pretty damn interesting and impactful, so that’s cool), but I thought I’d mention this buzzword that we’ve started using:


It basically is meant to be used as a verb, to reduce the risk of not completing a work on  time.

Now, as with most post-MBA work, this is pretty deadline intensive and critical to our stakeholders, so we’re on our toes working on delivering the best we can with the precious little time we have (for example, time spent going to grab a coffee and back is when I think about how to restructure my excel sheet so it makes sense – hint, this involves color coding).

So with certain high level meetings coming up, we’ve had to up our game even more, leading to understanding questions like ‘I understand that’s a lot of work – how are we going to de-risk that’.

Alright, admittedly, nothing ground breaking about that. I’m sure everyone’s got their own kind of killer buzz words (last week I introduced ‘Redflagging’… which had its 15 minutes of fame (more like 10), before we were worrying about de-risking our red flags).

It’s been a pretty good productive week, and a historical first of cooking in dinner for a friend. That involved derisking the experience as well, as I was already off my schedule by an hour, and had to minimize my shop trips, and parallel process my cooking (ala MasterChef Australia, which I’d been watching on regular basis now after work).

Another good relaxing weekend on the cards. Might try coding a bit, and then work on something that I’m supposed to be derisking.






Clusterf*ck. That’s the only term that comes to my mind when I’m witnessing a 5 way intersection of roads where every vehicle driver believes they have the right of way.

I’m currently in an Auto, stuck about 5 mins away from office. I called up a colleague to check if we had any morning meetings, and she assured me no, and also told she was stuckin traffic too. I suspect we’re talking about the same traffic jam.

On a positive note though, this increases my ‘commute’ of 10 minutes tops, to a half hour slice where I can feel cool about pulling open a laptop in an auto and working (ahem, bloggin).

Lovely weather as always. I suppose that’s the compromise. Stuck in traffic? Admire the weather, move on.

Life does, anyway.




Return of the Blog

Finally, after months of putting off reinstalling this blog (which for some very odd reasons, decided to fade off from the face of earth by presenting, instead of lovely lively content, a very modernistic and abstract concept called ‘White’).

After trying hard to debug the corrupted install (suddenly while poking around the files I saw that half the files were renamed ‘INFECTED’ – talk about cobwebs in your closet), I cleaned it out, with a fresh install of the WordPress platform, and managed to import my old posts and comments.

The main reason to get those old posts was to continue making sure this one post PHP  Mail using Gmail SMTP, written one cold and vengeful day when I decided to write the tutorial so that none after me would fight to get it working. Realizing that after 60 comments, even upto April 2012, the people were still googling the internet to find an answer and landing on my page, that I had the solemn responsibility that the link remains accessible.

Alright, so anyway, after racking my head for a few hours on this, I think I should get back to work that I’m paid for. I should be tweaking this blog over time now, incremental updates. And I feel like writing too.. perhaps an effect of completing a Post Graduation from IIM Bangalore (ahem, shameless, ahem).

I also realized earlier today that while in engineering, I had accurately predicted what I thought would happen to technologies today (such as the future of applications would be  HTML/Javascript based, and hence my presentation on jQuery – oh, and this Game I wrote.) I figured I might start jotting these thoughts down, so that when I look back, I can laugh at how hilariously off my predictions were (Just putting in context, Bill Gates once said 64K was enough for anyone)..

That’s all for now then.




Confession of a Geek

Dear IIMB viewers.

I confess to being a Geek. Big Time. Computer Geek. I used to spend hours late into the night trying to learn how to install databases, rewrite linux code, craft CSS and tinker with javascript and jquery for purposes even now I’m not sure of.

You may judge me for this. It’s ok.

But otherwise, since you are here, you might as well check out my Chat Noir game at

Cheers! 🙂



I’m alive!


Some of you have noticed that this blog has been down for quite some time. Well, I’ve dusted off the cobwebs and decided to breathe new life into this blog. Because as they say – the value of the blog is directly proportional to which year you are in at an IIM. … or something like that.

Anyways, nothing ground breaking as such. I’m still the same crazy, geeky, lovable (ok, ok, tolerable) me that I was.

Unfortunately, there was a database error in which I lost the last post I made (a very financially technical post about how to extract capital data from repository of financial data), but well, hopefully that’s not too much of a loss.

I’m the happiest I’ve been for quite some time, especially looking forward to seeing my mom and dad in Delhi.

Here’s to another attempt at keeping this blog alive! 😀