Google it with Bing!

At various odd points in conversation, such as when comparing the proper noun Xerox to the verb Photocopying (my Indian friends are well aware of the unawareness of the distinction), I usually drag in how we’re going to Google anything we want to find.

At various odd points in conversation, such as when comparing the proper noun Xerox to the verb Photocopying (my Indian friends are well aware of the unawareness of the distinction), I usually drag in how we’re going to Google anything we want to find.

“Where are my car keys?” “I don’t know, google it, maybe under your bed?”

Then I saw this video.

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Just took that concept to a very relevant perspective.

My take: If you know anything about Google and Bing, watch it and show it to your friends.

(If you’re new here: Google‘s a search engine from Google, Bing’s a search engine from Bing Microsoft.)

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